selective focus photography of slice fruits
selective focus photography of slice fruits

What is a Blood Deficiency?

When your blood (or 血 - "xue") and circulation are unable to accomplish their normal functions in the body, this is called blood deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine. This is not a disease, but rather an imbalance that can directly impact the transport of vital nutrients in the body. As a result, you may see manifestations in the appearance of your hair, skin, nails, muscles and tendons. When deficient, they may appear more lusterless, pale, brittle, frail or weak.

Energy is also commonly low, and cognitive abilities can become compromised. It may be difficult to feel grounded, focused and stable. In Western medicine, the closest comparison to blood deficiency is anemia. However, keep in mind that, while anemia always falls under the category of blood deficiency, not all blood-deficient people will necessarily have a diagnosis of anemia. Rather, this is the underlying patterns that eventually leads to lower key markers in your blood work. It’s also important to note that blood deficiency (and undiagnosed anemia) can be an underlying cause for anxiety - and even some psychiatric conditions. It's not uncommon for blood deficiency patterns to present alongside qi deficiency patterns, which is often seen in cases of depression.

Many of the foods that are categorized as being beneficial for a blood deficiency happen to also be higher in iron, folate, magnesium and vitamin B12, which are beneficial nutrients for combatting issues like anemia, fatigue or general weakness — symptoms we typically liken to a blood deficiency.

What Are Signs & Symptoms of a Blood Deficiency?

  • amenorrhea
  • anxiety or nervousness
  • blurred vision or floaters
  • brain fog or poor short-term memory
  • brittle nails
  • bruising easily
  • constipation / dry stools
  • depression
  • difficulty falling asleep
  • diminished night vision
  • ​dizziness / lightheadedness
  • dry eyes
  • dry / flaky skin
  • dry and/or thinning hair
  • feeling aimless or purposeless
  • feeling cold easily
  • hair loss
  • headaches (dull & worse around the eyes)
  • heart palpitations
  • light periods
  • low energy (chronic)
  • low self-esteem
  • muscular weakness / soreness
  • numbness or tingling in hands & feet
  • pale (lips, face, nails, tongue)
  • postpartum depression & anxiety
  • restless legs
green leaf vegetable
green leaf vegetable

What Causes a Blood Deficiency?

  • high stress
  • overwork without sufficient rest
  • ​chronic nutritional deficiency
  • pregnancy
  • heavy blood loss
  • poor diet
  • inability to absorb iron properly

Types of Blood Deficiency:

  • heart blood deficiency
  • liver blood deficiency
  • spleen blood deficiency

How to Treat a Blood Deficiency?


Rest: Stress and overworking are incredibly depleting to the body. Rest is one of the best ways to replenish. Think in terms of proportions; if your stress is higher than usual, then more rest is going to help you stay balanced. Also, getting adequate sleep every night (7-8 hours) is imperative. If you struggle with insomnia, try acupuncture! We also like this melatonin.

Hydration: Make sure to hydrate sufficiently, especially during summer or while in warmer climates. Besides water, herbal teas, soups, and hydrating fruits and veggies (like those recommended for a yin deficiency) are beneficial.

Proper Exercise & Movement: While it's important to keep moving to prevent stagnation in the body, too much exercise or high-intensity workouts can be depleting and actually make things worse. Keep exercises moderate and stick to activities that are enjoyable and lower-impact, like walking, hiking, swimming, or dancing. It's also advisable to work out several times a week - not every day (though light movement every day is great!).


Supplementation: For more severe cases of blood deficiency, like in anemia, during postpartum, or for vegetarians or vegans, supplements can help to boost nutrition. We like Floradix Iron + Herbs Liquid Supplement and MegaFood Blood Builder Minis.

Dietary Adjustments: It's important to eat regularly, and not too much or too little. Incorporate more red & green fruits and veggies (especially cooked leafy greens), grains, and possibly red meat, as well as the recommended foods below. Cooked foods are preferable to raw foods, and avoiding foods and beverages that may disrupt digestion is recommended. This includes refined sugar, fried foods, dairy, excessive alcohol and possibly spicy foods.

What Foods are Best for Treating a Blood Deficiency?

artichokes, beets, chives, dark green/purple/red leafy vegetables, dandelion leaf, kelp/seaweed, lotus root, microalgae (spirulina/chlorella), shiitake mushrooms, spinach, taro root, watercress, wheatgrass

apricots, avocados, blackberries, coconuts, dates, figs, goji berries, (dark) grapes, longan, lychee, raspberries

amaranth, millet, oats, quinoa, rice

Nuts & Seeds:
almonds, black sesame seeds, pine nuts

Beans & Legumes:
adzuki beans, black beans, kidney beans, peanuts, tempeh

Herbs & Spices:
dang gui (dong quai), da zao, he shou wu, nettle, parsley, rehmannia root (shu di huang)

Beverages & More:
blackstrap molasses, cocoa/cacao, green tea

Animal Protein*:
bone broth, eggs, goat cheese, mussels, oysters, red meat (especially liver & heart), ricotta

*Meat is not used in any of our recipes, however, these animal products can be added to any recipe. For blood deficiency patterns, animal protein is highly recommended for replenishment, if there are no dietary restrictions.
cooked food with wooden spoon and chopping board
cooked food with wooden spoon and chopping board
two sliced breads with avocado on top
two sliced breads with avocado on top

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