Ancient Wisdom
for Modern-Day Healing
Discover the timeless wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy. Explore customized, plant-based meals. Cultivate well-balanced health.

lunch + dinner
comfort food
unique foods
quick + easy
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Ancient Wisdom
for Modern-Day Healing
Discover the timeless wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy. Explore customized, plant-based meals. Cultivate well-balanced health.
Our Purpose
→ Our mission is to help you reconnect with your body + rekindle a more intuitive, balanced relationship with food.
→ Not just fuel—food is a powerful tool for restoring health and vitality + has been used as medicine throughout history and across cultures.
→ Let us guide you in learning more about your body's unique signs and symptoms + how to use these markers to inform your eating habits.
Our Recipes
...are plant-based, gluten-free + mostly dairy-free.
...are super-charged with nutrients + help to address common, modern-day issues of inflammation and poor gut health.
...address specific constitutional imbalances, based on traditional Chinese medicine pattern differentiation.
yang boost
cool aid
Recipes by Pattern
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Hungry for More?
We are licensed acupuncturists, herbalists... and major foodies. We love creating fun, nutritious, and mouth-watering meals at home, and are passionate about sharing our knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy, in hopes that others will find transformation in their health, as we have.
Welcome—we're so glad you're here!