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Heart-Healthy Oatmeal Tonic

The ultimate pick-me-up when feeling deflated - packed with goji berries, red dates, pistachios and beet root powder.

Bowl of oatmeal mixed with beet root powder and topped with red dates, goji berries, and pistachios.

We live in a society where hustling is highly praised and where resting sadly invokes feelings of "guilt" in so many for feeling "unproductive." At least, this is a pattern we see way too much in our acupuncture clinic, where we work with many successful, high-achieving individuals. What many don't realize is that this lifestyle pattern gives way to a traditional Chinese medicine pattern of imbalance in the body called blood deficiency.

Blood deficiency can occur as as result of other factors, like chronic stress, poor diet, insufficient nutrition, childbirth or severe illness. It can be remedied fairly easy; however, failing to treat a blood deficiency can lead to more serious health issues down the line. A quick overview:

Symptoms of "blood deficiency" can include:

  • low energy

  • pale complexion

  • dry, brittle hair and nails

  • poor circulation

  • muscle weakness

Diseases and/or health conditions we often treat, where blood deficiency is the "root cause":

  • infertility

  • chronic fatigue

  • neuropathy/nerve issues

  • anemia

  • anxiety & OCD

  • postpartum depression

  • certain autoimmune diseases

Diet adjustments and herbs are two of the best ways to nourish a blood deficiency back into balance. One of the "cheat codes" I like to give my patients is to "think Christmas" by increasing their intake of fresh, organic red & green vegetables and fruits, which contain specific phytonutrients that benefit the cardiovascular and immune systems.  People with a blood deficiency pattern should strive to eat breakfast every morning (no intermittent fasting!). This oatmeal "tonic" as we like to call it, is a powerful way to fuel the body - and with plenty of red and green:

Goji Berries are rich in antioxidants and contain high levels of vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening blood vessels, tissue oxygenation and improving overall circulation. These vibrant berries also contain polysaccharides, which are beneficial for the immune system, as well as high levels of calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, and more.

Red Dates (also known as jujubes) are a traditional ingredient in many cultures for their health benefits. They are packed with iron, which is vital for preventing anemia and ensuring the effective transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Additionally, red dates help improve blood quality and promote blood production, which is beneficial for maintaining optimal energy levels and cardiovascular health.

Pistachios offer a heart-healthy combination of nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and numerous antioxidants. These nutrients help to regulate blood pressure and improve circulation. Pistachios are also rich in L-arginine, an amino acid that improves energy, combats stress and fatigue, and improves memory, concentration and mood.

Beets are renowned for their ability to boost cardiovascular health. They are high in nitrates, which convert to nitric oxide in the body, leading to improved blood flow, reduced blood pressure, and increased athletic performance. Beets also provide essential nutrients like folate and iron, which support healthy blood cell production and overall circulatory function.

Moringa leaf powder is nutrient-dense and contains vitamins and minerals that promote circulation and blood flow. One study even found that moringa leaf promoted sperm production in men and increased fertility in women.

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We are both licensed acupuncturists & traditional Chinese medicine herbalists...and major foodies. We created this site as a tool for sharing recipes & information with our patients, as well as those interested in learning more about holistic health & the delicious healing powers of whole foods. Every recipe we share is vegetarian, gluten-free, largely dairy-free, and super-charged with nourishment, to help your body feel its best!  

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