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Stuffed Eggplant with Tahini Sauce

A unique & nutritious breakfast dish with a Mediterranean flair & plenty of qi-moving ingredients.

Stuffed eggplant with tahini sauce, chickpeas and egg.

You've probably heard just how healthy the Mediterranean diet is. It's been touted for its association with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Turns out, many of the plant ingredients and healthy fats found in this cuisine have properties that benefit traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) patterns of both excess heat and qi stagnation. Eggplant and chickpeas, in particular, are allies when it comes to moving congested "qi" in the body; that is, when stress or heavy emotions are causing pressure or pain in the body, along with a number of other discomforts. Interestingly, the Mediterranean diet is known to benefit health conditions like heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, certain cancers, and even depression - all of which are issues that, from an Eastern perspective, result from chronic and sustained patterns of qi stagnation.

So if you find yourself stressed-out fairly often, in addition to practicing mindfulness and/or meditation, begin working the foods recommended for qi stagnation into your diet on a daily basis. The blend of nutrition from these heart-healthy & qi-supportive foods will begin to balance out the negative physiological effects of stress on the body. Some of the ingredients in this stuffed eggplant breakfast dish include:

  • Eggplant - In TCM, eggplant is believed to help move qi, or vital energy, through the body. It’s thought to have cooling properties that can help clear blockages and reduce inflammation. Plus, its high fiber content keeps things moving smoothly, not just in your energy channels but in your digestive system, as well.

  • Chickpeas - Those bold little legumes at the heart of a creamy hummus dip are another qi-stirring superstar. They’re packed with nutrients that support energy levels and digestive health. They’re also a great source of protein and fiber, which help keep your energy stable and your mood balanced.

Cheers to eating well and feeling balanced!

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We are both licensed acupuncturists & traditional Chinese medicine herbalists...and major foodies. We created this site as a tool for sharing recipes & information with our patients, as well as those interested in learning more about holistic health & the delicious healing powers of whole foods. Every recipe we share is vegetarian, gluten-free, largely dairy-free, and super-charged with nourishment, to help your body feel its best!  

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